About Lutheran Education Association
Linking, equipping, and affirming educators in Lutheran ministries

An Association for Christian Educators who Value a Lutheran Lens
Your students — those faces, those open-hearted souls hungry for knowledge and inspiration — they’re your life’s work and legacy. Each one is a gift, no matter who they are (or how much of a challenge they can present).
Each day, you put all your energy into awakening their curiosity, fascinating them with truths about the world they live in and the One who made it all. Your hope? To inspire, guiding them down the path to become the men and women they’re meant to be — fully committed to God and His purpose for their lives.
You believe in your students, and we believe in you.
Grow in Your Calling with LEA
Since 1942, Lutheran Education Association has been helping educators give their best. We’re deeply rooted in our heritage, but that doesn’t mean we’re stuck in the past.
We know that technology, world events, and situations beyond our control affect how we teach. We’re here to keep you informed and inspired. Through LEA, educators remain in touch with current trends and ideas without losing their grasp on biblical Christian worldview.
For you, our resources are:
LEA values the diverse population of educators in Lutheran ministries. Those who become LEA members enter into an ongoing conversation that takes place amongst educators throughout the world.
Our community includes those: