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For Such a Time As This
For some reason, these words have been popping into my head quite a bit these past several months ever since I listened to Wayne Watson’s song by that title. These words are from Esther 4:14, which were spoken to Queen Esther by Mordecai, the relative who helped raise her. Mordecai was asking Esther to go to the King (Ahasuerus) on behalf of her people, the Jewish people that were still residing in Persia. If you recall the story, Haman, the king’s lead official, had sought to destroy all the Jews throughout the kingdom. Esther, who was Jewish, was a bit hesitant to do so as it meant risking her own life. Mordecai’s words to her in 4:14 “…And who knows whether you have not come into the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther does go and speak to the king and is able to save her people as a result and Haman and his plan was thwarted.
As I’ve thought about these words, I am convicted by them and their meaning for me personally and for all of God’s people, especially Lutheran educators. These times are no different than what Esther encountered. I believe that Christians in our country are facing a similar challenge and that we have been placed here upon this earth “for such a time as this.”
Having been retired from full-time teaching in Lutheran schools for nearly two years now, I am no longer proclaiming the Gospel and God’s truths to the families and students in my classroom on a daily basis. But He is still calling me to be faithful in doing so in other ways. One of these ways is to encourage our churches, schools, and workers to be faithful witnesses and to actively work at promoting and providing Christian education and training for our children in His Word. And I encourage you, Lutheran educator, whether active or retired, to be bold in doing so as well.
The time is now, in a country that has become increasingly hostile to Judeo-Christian beliefs and where government (public) schools are indoctrinating our children and students with teachings, beliefs, and values that are in direct opposition to God’s Word, to act and have the courage to speak these truths and to reach the next generation with the saving Gospel message.
Now is the time also for our churches to be operating a school and to fully support it, especially financially. We need to make our schools fully accessible to families and students who want to attend and actively seek ways to allow this to happen. We need to encourage our families to enroll their children in our schools and to leave the government (public) schools. In doing so, we need to boldly and actively promote and proclaim what we teach and the values we are trying to instill in our students. We need to offer families an alternative to government-run schools and then be that alternative! The greatest mission field we have right now is in our own back yards! Not to recognize this or take action to harvest it means losing another generation to the world. Now is the time to pray and act!