Partnering to Create Quality Live and Virtual Events
Gathering in person is still first priority for LEA, and LEA plans live events such as the National Administrators Conference and the LEA Convocation. However, there are times when meeting online is necessary and sometimes even preferred. LEA is now in a position to make that happen in a professional way.
Because of COVID, LEA developed the online platform LEAconnects to house all of its resources and, at the same time, developed the capacity to host virtual events. In partnership with Leah Abel and Phil Grimpo at Inspirmedia, LEA now can assist other organizations in planning and implementing conferences and meetings as well as host perpetual on-demand content. LEA has also developed a Virtual Exhibit Hall, which connects the products and services of organizations with Lutheran educators.
Here are some ways LEA can help you and your organization:
Hosting resources
Through its LEAconnects platform, LEA can host videos, articles, and a variety of media in a private and completely controlled environment. That means no outside advertising, total control of the message, and the ability to be part of a network containing thousands of resources which are indexed and searchable by key words. Videos can be made available on-demand every day of the year and either open to the public or gated for limited viewing.
Conference and meeting facilitation
In partnership with Leah Abel and Inspirmedia – we can work with you to develop engaging and professional events of all sizes, offering registration services, live streaming, on-demand sectionals, Virtual Exhibit Hall, and assistance with exhibitors and sponsors. LEA has a long history of producing its own events from 40 to 4000 attendees, and has partnered with a variety of LCMS districts and other organizations to create quality conferences.
Virtual Exhibit Hall
This dynamic site allows for the building of a virtual exhibit space which is available 24/7/365 to be accessed by users around the world. The organization has complete control of its content and can make modifications at any time. Viewers are drawn to the Virtual Exhibit Hall through their use of all LEAconnects content and their affiliation with both virtual and live conferences.
Want to know more?
Contact the LEA office at lea@lea.org or 708-209-3343 to talk further about your ideas and needs for both live and virtual meetings and events.